Greetings to our readers! As I settle in for some ‘pen and ink’ time today, I am reminded of the favorite cards and letters that I have received over the years from friends and loved ones that fill my letter rack on my desk. They are timeless gifts given from children now grown, a friend who has gone before me, or silly cards reminding me that my birthdays are really adding up. They are handwritten sentiments that bring a smile as I read them for the tenth time.
Decades ago, I recall watching as my grandmother scented a pretty hanky with her best perfume to enclose with a special card and letter. Written in cursive and smelling lovely, someone surely felt joy when they opened their mailbox and received her sweet gift and thoughtful sentiments. This memory, and my old letter rack, urge me on to strive to do better and pay closer attention to this seemingly lost art of communication.
Though written on a laptop and missing a delicate scent and hanky, I am excited about this aspect of our store, as we will chat about topics near and dear to me as well as favorite collectibles and news.
Hopefully, you will find something worthy to add to your own letter rack.

Katie And Company®